Wednesday, June 10, 2009

On a sad note, our family's hearts go out to the wife and family of the shooting victim at the Holocaust museum. I have always wondered and never understood how people can hate other people for race,religion,or whatever. Later in the afternoon, I saw a bumper sticker that read: The most violent element in today's society is ignorance. Well, that about summed it all up for me, I guess I'm prejudice also because I hate haters.

Later, G-man


  1. Yeah, I'm prejudice, too. I hate stupid people, neoconservative whack jobs, Joe the Plumber, Sarah Palin, Dick Cheney,'s one of those character flaws I really should work on, but whenever I do, I come to my senses.

  2. WTF, G? June 10????? Time to blog, baby!

  3. You got a new laptop FROM ME for you birthday, dear. No excuse for not updating now. : )

    Love you!

    And happy late birthday! Didn't get to blog Saturday, too busy having fun with you.

